Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I REALLY Can't Believe I'm Doing This

Allow me to mortify you with some pictures of my daughter's bedroom. I seriously can't BELIEVE I am going to share these with you, but in the attempt to clean up and organize my house, I thought it would be beneficial for you to see the "Before" pics so that you could really appreciate the "After" the way I do. Are you sitting down?









Exhibit A: My mother-in-law is so horrified, she's taking her own pictures. I needed back-up. MoMo and I make a great clean-up crew!

Exhibit B: Can't even GET to the desk to work... The small laundry basket was my last effort pre- "Operation Find the Floor" to get her to throw 20 things in there to get rid of. She only managed FIVE.

Exhibits C and D. And yes, I did stumble (and almost fell) trying to make my way across the room to get these shots. What can I say, I'm a dedicated journalist.

This little experiment does three things. First, it embarrasses me that we have indulged our child with so much STUFF. I'm also embarrassed that my inability to stay on top of the situation has let it get this "outta control." Ahh, mom-guilt. It's a beautiful thing. Second, I am motivated beyond measure to clean up and clear out anything and everything that's not nailed to the floor. Everywhere, not just the Diva's bedroom (I do feel I must put in a disclaimer here that states the rest of the house DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THIS... Okay. I feel better now.). And lastly, if misery loves company, it might make you feel a teensy bit better about the condition of your home. Come back Friday for the "After" photos. Prepare to be amazed...
Update: Due to a last minute sewing project, "After" photos have been postponed to Monday. Sometimes 24 hours in one day are just not enough around here... and sometimes they're 24 hours and 36 minutes to many! LOL!

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